It’s a Different Dog

<img src="" alt="" /><br />n<br />nJust a quick update on Lucky. He sure is a different dog since we first got him. Decent food and love and care and he is the most playful sweetest dog imaginable. Why somebody dumped him is beyond me. The only problem he has is the unquenchable desire to chase horses. He gets so proud of himself when he does it that there is no stopping him so I have to keep him tied up all the time to keep him from chasing them.<br />n<br />nWith as much snow as there is on the ground around here it was always a fight to get my youngest daughter to go outside. She hated it. Now she goes outside three or four times a day to "walk the dog" and this child does not like dogs. So he is serving a very useful function too.<br />n<br />nThe real funny one is My Darling Wife. You know her, the one who <u>hates</u> dogs but stopped and rescued Lucky. She has never been around dogs before so has no experience with them and she is always amazed at how happy Lucky is to see her. He gets so excited he just can't sit still. She says a cat could care less about a person and this dog just worships me, Why? I keep telling her that a, she saved his scrawny hide and b, that is just the way a dogs is. She just shakes her head in disbelief.<br />n<br />nSo, Lucky is doing good in his new home and the family is happy with him. What more can you ask for.<br />n<br />n<b>How can I be useful, of what service can I be? There is something inside me, what can it be? Vincent Van Gogh</b>



