Do More Than Criticize Please

Maybe I am missing something here but can't Jan Tester articulate a position or is all he can do <a href="">criticize</a> other people's stands? Today he criticizes the President on Iraq and oddly enough it's timed just as a poll is realized saying the <a href="">President's approval numbers in Montana are low</a>. While I agree the war in Iraq is a problem I am not a candidate for high office. Instead of telling me only what the problem is why doesn't Jon tester give us his idea for a solution? Above and beyond saying we need out of Iraq by parroting everything that has been in the media lately, he doesn't say how he thinks it should be done. Not a very positive way of doing things.<br />n<br />nThis completely reminds me of his Energy Policy comment of a couple months back. You will find his position <a href="">here</a>. He states we need a new energy policy but he won't stake out a position and tell us what he would do. He hides behind flowery words and weaselly statements about needing " a more forward-thinking energy policy." While I might agree, how can I support the man when he won't stake out an opinion and tell us what he would do.<br />n<br />nIf you are running a positive campaign and believe in your vision you stake out your ground and tell us what you would do. I don't see Tester doing this, all he does is criticize his opponents without giving us his alternative vision of what he would do. I think we need a change from Burns but exchanging one weasel for another might not be the best idea. Tester has time to change the tone of what he is doing, I think he needs to consider it.<br />n<br />n<b>Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain – and most fools do. Dale Carnegie</b>




