Excuse Me

What happened to the school funding issue being a state problem.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>This base, or "Q line," as some are calling it, is a minimum budget that all school districts must meet to provide a quality education.<br />n<br />nSome districts – most likely smaller districts – may be shocked to see their Q line set much higher than their current budget.<br />n<br />nThe state will cover part of those Q-line costs, and local property taxes will pay for the rest. The question is, how much will the state pay?<br />n<br />n"We'll see what that Q line is in all those different districts, and the (property tax) increase that would be required to be levied in that district," Ryan said. "Then we'll look at that and say, 'How do we do that? Can we afford that? Is that too much?' " <br />n</blockquote><br />n<br />nHow much the state can afford? A better question is how much the local population can afford in property taxes. All the Democrats have been complaining about is how Republicans have made local districts raise property taxes to fund education so what is their solution? Raise property taxes at the local level again. What a double standard.<br />n<br />nHas anybody out there opened their property tax bill and seen how much it is all ready? It's outrageous. If I could afford it I could but land cheaper than they are taxing me for it, but then I would have more to be taxed on. <br />n<br />nYou can only squeeze so much blood from a turnip and we are all ready past the point of getting any more out. I know people are generally revolting but at this point if property taxes go up the people might just revolt. If you drive all the employers out due to high taxes there will be no jobs and even less money in the kitty. Is that the goal? Drive out all the poor folk so the rich folk can have a safe enclave? It sure seems like that is what the Democrats are doing. So much for the party of the people, only if your rich.<br />n<br />n<b>The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite! Tennessee Williams.</b>



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