Lack of Ethics

<a href="">Bush Orders Staff to Attend Ethics Briefings</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>President Bush has ordered White House staff to attend mandatory briefings beginning next week on ethical behavior and the handling of classified material after the indictment last week of a senior administration official in the CIA leak probe.<br />n<br />nAccording to a memo sent to aides yesterday, Bush expects all White House staff to adhere to the "spirit as well as the letter" of all ethics laws and rules. As a result, "the White House counsel's office will conduct a series of presentations next week that will provide refresher lectures on general ethics rules, including the rules of governing the protection of classified information," according to the memo, a copy of which was provided to The Washington Post by a senior White House </blockquote><br />n<br />nNow I understand that this is one of the actions Bush is taking because of the Libby indictment but isn't this a sad state of affairs when you have to train your high government officials on ethics? These aren't, for the most part, elected officials so shouldn't their ethics have been an issue when they were hired/appointed? Why is it no matter what President it is, the second term seems to be fraught with troubles and the ethics issue seems to come up every time? <br />n<br />nMaybe we should just term limit Presidents for one term to stop these problems. While we are at it we should term limit Congress too since that is where the real cesspool of lack of ethics falls. Why do the American people keep voting such a******s back in all the time. Usually they don't include their own Representatives and Senators but I will. Vote out the bastards, the only problem is there is nobody else presently in line that is worth voting for either.<br />n<br />n<b>A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world. Albert Camus</b>



