
I came across an interesting quote <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.com/blog/citylights/index.php?p=1291#comment-29269">here</a> this morning that I had to say something about. The quote:<br />n<br />n<blockquote>White men are the only group of people who don&#8217;t know what it&#8217;s like to live every day feeling like they have a target on their forehead. They&#8217;re at the top of the food chain, and they think that&#8217;s just fine, until someone wants to level out the playing field. Then they shout, &#8220;Unfair! Unfair! Equal rights for everyone!&#8221;</blockquote><br />n<br />n<a href="http://www.patiastephens.com/">This person</a> really needs to understand a couple of things.<br />n<br />n1. There are many parts of the world where "white men" are not "the top of the food chain" and they get along just fine without yelling and screaming for "rights."<br />n<br />n2. A "white man" can live in the US and <b>not be</b> "at the top of the food chain." In fact they are second class citizens, along with "white women," who have no say on how they are taxed, or treated by the local authorities. Do they run around screaming &#8220;Unfair! Unfair! Equal rights for everyone?&#8221; No. They deal with the situation as best they can and not whine. <br />n<br />nEquality- the quality or state of being equal<br />n<br />nEqual- like for each member of a group, class, or society<br />n<br />nSo why advocate more protection for some people while at the same time talking equality? That is not what equality means.<br />n<br />nJust something to think about.<br />n<br />n<b>I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers. Mohandas Gandhi</b>



