You Gotta Love Rep. Ron Paul

<a href="">Who Opposes Simpler, Lower Taxes?</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The reform panel should have two simple goals: make taxes lower, and make taxes simpler. Anything else quite frankly is insulting to the American public. But during several hours of discussion last week, the various panelists talked about everything but those two objectives. Instead they embraced the practice of using the tax code as a tool for social engineering, debating what exemptions, credits, and deductions should be tinkered with to steer taxpayers toward or away from certain activities.<br />n<br />n….<br />n<br />nTrue tax reform is as simple as cutting or eliminating taxes. No studies, panels, committees, or hearings are needed. When reform proposals seem complicated, they almost certainly don't cut taxes. Government spending is the problem! When the federal government takes $2.5 trillion dollars out of the legitimate private economy in a single year, whether through taxes or borrowing, spending clearly is out of control. Deficit spending creates a de facto tax hike, because deficits can be repaid only by future tax increases. By this measure Congress and the president have raised taxes dramatically over the past few years, despite the tax-cutting rhetoric. The real issue is total spending by government, not tax reform.</blockquote><br />n<br />n"Make taxes lower, and make taxes simpler" don't we wish. Your representatives in Washington don't believe in such things, control the peons, that's what they believe and the engineer the tax code to do it.<br />n<br />n<b>To tax the community for the advantage of a class is not protection: it is plunder. Benjamin Disraeli</b>



