When the Governor and the Legislature decided to limit the sale of cold and allergy medicine to consumers I was afraid of one thing and sure enough it's happening. All of my kids have allergy problems along with My Darling Wife and I so we have been using the maximum we are allowed to buy of these medicines for allergy medicines every month and since we can't buy enough some of us have been suffering for it. Now the whole household is coming down with a very nasty cold bug and we are unable to buy cold medicine since we have all ready used our monthly allowance buying allergy medicine.<br />n<br />nIt is really going to make shipping and working cows fun with a terrible cold and no medicines to relieve the symptoms along with a household of sick kids moaning and groaning and throwing up and no medicine to help.<br />n<br />nSo, I have one thing to say: <a class="block_level" href="http://www.sarpysam.com/archives/1227-I-Was-Afraid-of-This.html#extended">Continue reading "I Was Afraid of This"</a>
I Was Afraid of This