Good News

You might remember that this spring I mentioned my son's speech therapist <a href="">was leaving</a> and I had no idea whether he would be able to get services in another year. Well, he will. <br />n<br />nThe remaining therapist at Scottish Rite Speech and Language Disorder Clinic had visited with us and indicated she was going to try to fit him in once a month for services. We accepted this since there is no other speech therapist available. It wasn't ideal but what could we due. The therapist that was leaving gave us information on how to continue on our own. She felt My darling Wife was more than capable and dedicated of continuing with out a therapist with the proper guidance so for the last couple of weeks we have been buying all the material we need to continue on our own.<br />n<br />nYesterday we receive a call out of the blue from the therapist informing us she is taking the boy on full time and will see him once a week starting in September. Now why the change from once a month to full time I don't know but I accept if happily. We will supplement whatever we do there with the material we bought and continue on.<br />n<br />nThis is such good news that I can't even describe it. While I know My darling Wife would manage, having professional help is a relief.<br />n<br />n<b>Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain. Charlie Chaplin</b>



