National Animal Identification System (NAIS)

The <acronym title="United States Department of Agriculture, Bought and Paid for by The Big Meat Packers">USDA</acronym> has finally <a href="" target="_new">come out</a> with the plan for getting the <acronym title="National Animal Identification System">NAIS</acronym> going in the country. I have looked over both the <a href="" target="_new">Strategic Plan</a> and the <a href="" target="_new">Program Standards</a> (both are in PDF format which is a piece of shit) and what I'm seeing doesn't surprise me. Do I want to do this, no. The brand has worked in this state for over 100 years so I don't feel this is necessary but I'm in the minority. I understand why it is being done, that doesn't mean I have to like it, just make it work as easy as I can.<br />n<br />nNo matter what they say the bulk of the cost and work of the system will be on the cow-calf man who has to implement it. I plan on waiting a couple of years before starting the system so that other people can find all the bugs in the "voluntary" program. I might start ramping up with a small test on replacement heifers, we'll see.<br />n<br />n<b>and wait and watch until<br />nThe fattening dots burst into nimble-<br />nSwimming tadpoles.<br />n<br />nSeamus Heaney</b>



