
<blockquote>The 25 students in jeans and T-shirts could have been in any career that requires hustle. The classes, covering topics such as effective marketing, stress reduction and legal issues, could have been part of any professional development seminar.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI've heard of college to learn of a lot of different things but this one was a little beyond me.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>But this was "Whore College," and any illusion it was just another corporate how-to for young go-getters abruptly ended at the sex toy display and was stripped away for good during a graphic demonstration that put a whole new twist on the concept of hands-on training.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSo, the world's oldest profession now has a <a href="" target="_new">college</a> to graduate from. I really feel old. I thought this stuff came pretty natural to people but obviously I'm out of date. I guarantee these are some college courses I won't pay for.<br />n<br />n<b>"Old-fashioned" is an impossible indictment to answer. Mason Cooley</b>



