We just found out today that my son's speech therapist is moving so at the end of the school year. This leaves us in a pickle since we don't know if the other therapist will be able to take him on and even if she can, she isn't as knowledgeable about autism as the one we have now.<br />n<br />nThe school district doesn't have a speech therapist at all so there is no help there and the only private one in the area again doesn't know anything about speech problems in autistic kids. We are presently getting services from the Scottish Rite Speech and Language Disorder Clinic and they are going to try and hire a new therapist over the summer that has knowledge about autistic kids but whether they will be able to or not we don't know.<br />n<br />nI'm really bummed about this but I can't blame the gal that is leaving, her husband has been transfered and they are moving on. I just pray they find someone. The boy is making good progress but we need help getting there.<br />n<br />n<b>The nature of bad news infects the teller. William Shakespeare</b><br />n<br />n <br />n<br />
Bad News