Responding To an Idiot!

Excuse me <a href="" target="_new">Susan O'Leary</a>, but I disagree.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>We need to assume our children will bully and begin teaching them as soon as they are old enough to recognize bullying and how to stop it.</blockquote><br />n<br />nMaybe your children were horrible enough that you had to "assume" they were bullies, but mine are not. Assuming your children are bullies is no different than assuming all males are rapists or all Indians are lazy or any other such stupid stereotype. <br />n<br />nIT IS WRONG!!!!!<br />n<br />nI am doing it the right way and making no assumptions. I teach my children to accept people as they are and not to tease or make fun of people. These are the things that lead to bullying. My oldest has made a habit of standing up to bullies and has made some of her best friends with kids she has rescued from bullies.<br />n<br />nYou assume about your kids all you want Susan, don't tell me to assume about mine, they are doing just fine so keep your nose out of my business.<br />n<br />n<b>It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury; Signifying nothing. William Shakespeare</b>



