I noticed recently that I am getting very few comments on this blog anymore. I was persuing my site statistics trying to figure it out and have discovered that I am getting 90% fewer hits after my <a href="http://nowherethoughts.net/sarpysam/archives/757-Fake-Holidays.html" target="_new">Valentines Day post</a>. Boy, some people have real tender feelings about Valentines Day and definitly don't get who I am. Write a post making fun of a holiday, try to inject some humor in it, then send a Valentine message to my wife at the end of the post (which was the whole purpose of the post) and all most everybody quits reading you. I didn't realize Valentines Day was such a sensitive subject. <br />n<br />nWell, It answers my question as to what happened to people commenting, so if you are one of the 2-3 people that are still reading this thanks for sticking with me. <br />n<br />n<b>Thanks, thanks to thee, my worthy friend,<br />nFor the lesson thou hast taught!<br />nThus at the flaming forge of life<br />nOur fortunes must be wrought;<br />nThus on its sounding anvil shaped<br />nEach burning deed and thought!<br />n<br />nHenry Wadsworth Longfellow</b>
Tender Feelings