
Now I am no lawyer, thank the Lord, but it sure seems like the Montana Legislature is <a href="" target="_new">passing a law</a> that is not Constitutional.<br />n<br />nThe bill, SB 199, would ban the discrimination of people based on their sexual orientation when it comes to employment, public accommodations, housing, financial transactions, education, job referrals, licensing, training programs, government services, funding and public contracts.<br />n<br />nIn this list is government services and licensing. Don't you go to your local Court House for the government service that issues you a marriage license? Didn't the voters of Montana pass a constitutional amendment <a href="" target="_new">banning gay marriage</a> last election? So the law they are passing is unconstitutional. So why are they wasting time working on <a href="" target="_new">this bill</a>?<br />n<br />nThe Constitution all ready discriminates against this group so passing the law isn't going to help and the way I understand things the Constitution always trumps a law so the law will be unenforcable. This just gives a backdoor way to try to push in gay marriage in the state.<br />n<br />n<b>I am at peace with God. My conflict is with Man. Charlie Chaplin</b>



