
Just for everyones benefit I just posted the following as a comment to my <a href="" targtet="_new">Chocalate</a> post. I wanted to share it whith everyone that is not following the comments on the post.<br />n<br />nWhile I found the whole article about chocolate interesting I thought after the whole Flame, from certain people, yesterday about my Valentines day post, it would be <strong>humorous</strong> to post it and say that was the reason why I didn't buy chocolate for My Darling Wife. <br />n<br />nJust to make sure it was understood I put in an obscure quote that I interept to mean that I was justifing what I did after the fact. Obviously my attempt at humor was missed by certain people and the attacks continue.<br />n<br />nThis just proves my point that some people are way to overly invested in this one meaning-less day. I do little things for my Darling Wife all year long so why should I do it on just this one day, AND NOT OTHERS, just because people are emotionally invested in to such a degree. <br />n<br />nI will point out yet again, <strong>MY DARLING WIFE DID NOT WANT CHOCOLATE!!</strong> As for flowers I think buying flowers from a florist is a cop-out. If you really want to give somebody flowers you go pick them yourself and give them to your wife. Taking the time to pick and arrange your own means I am really thinking about you. Buying them means I have the money to buy you off and I don't have to think about it. As for perfume, jewelry, lingerie or any other item mentioned, <strong>MY DARLING WIFE IS NOT INTERESTED AND DOES NOT WANT IT!!!</strong><br />n<br />nI have been researching something to give my wife for weeks and after much consediration ordered it for her yesterday. It is something she wants and I would like to give her. Is it a Valentines present. NO!!!! It is a present because I love her and want to make her happy.<br />n<br />nFind some humor in your life, which in the long run I meant both posts to be. You will be a lot happier.



