Fake Holidays

There are certain days of the year that really disturb me because they are made up holidays with little or no use in real life but somehow were supposed to act like they are important. Yes, you guessed it, Valentines day is one of these made up holidays that I despise.<br />n<br />nI swear the greeting card companies made Valentines day important so they could sell more cards. The whole day has become so important to members of our society that as a man if I don't do something wonderful/fantastic for my Darling Wife I am some kind of sick perverted fiend. Why has Valentines day become so important? I wondered about this so tried to find some information about Valentines Day. Guess what, nobody really knows how it started. <a class="block_level" href="http://www.sarpysam.com/archives/757-Fake-Holidays.html#extended">Continue reading "Fake Holidays"</a>



