
It always seems like there are exceptions to rules. The one that comes to mind is i after e except before c. I know stupid language rule that isn't even complete but it illustrates my point. I read an interesting article yesterday that made me think of this. <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A41897-2005Jan27.html" target="_new">Fidgeting Helps Separate the Lean From the Obese, Study Finds</a> (free registration required) <br />n<br />nIt talks about how obese people are couch potatoes and don't move and lean people are fidgety and can't sit still. That makes me an exception to this rule. My Darling Wife gets so upset with me because I can't sit still. I am always moving around, shifting, pacing, and walking around. When in town I park way out in parking lots so I can walk to the store and at home I purposely park at the barn, hired men think I am abusing them, so I can walk back and forth to the house so I can "stretch my legs." It drives her insane. The last thing someone would call me is lean though. I am not proud of my weight but that's the way it is. I wonder how they explain someone like me who is fidgety and obese? Ah, if you don't fit the rules they just ignore you, I'll do the same thing to them.<br />n<br />n<b>Every man, in his own opinion, forms an exception to the ordinary rules of morality. William Hazlitt</b>



