My Darling Wife loves to take pictures and she took some the other day I wanted to share. She might yell at me for doing this but that's the way things go. I complained about the warm weather melting what little snow we had and running water. This is very unusual in January so my Darling Wife took pictures.<br />n<br />n<img src=""><br />n<br />n<img src=""><br />n<br />nNow she keeps telling me she isn't very good taking pictures. I disagree with her but she don't listen. She takes real good pictures and even has a good eye for them as shown with this picture.<br />n<br />n<!–more–><br />n<br />n<img src=""><br />n<br />nI just love this picture with the water running through the trees and brush that haven't sprouted yet. She has an eye for pictures in my opinion.<br />n<br />n<b>The magic of photography is metaphysical. What you see in the photograph isn't what you saw at the time. The real skill of photography is organised visual lying. Terence Donovan</b>