
I have a little story to tell on my oldest daughter, 14, that I just couldn't resist. My Darling Wife and I have made a habit of being honest with our kids when they ask questions even when they are uncomfortable and about sex. Most of the ground has been covered by now but she just asked us what bisexual was. She said they were talking about it at school but none of her friends knew what it meant. Well, being honest we told her what it meant. <br />n<br />nAfter about 15 seconds while it sunk in she visibly shook and said how "gross" that was. Then she looked us straight in the eyes and said. "Why can't you just lie to me like everybody else's parents do. Why do you always have to tell me the truth." <br />n<br />nI hope someday she appreciates our honesty. It's tough sometimes but she is very well informed and hopefully will make the right choices in life.<br />n<br />n<b>There should be truth in thought, truth in speech, and truth in action. To the man who has realised this truth in perfection, nothing else remains to be known because all knowledge is necessarily included in it. Mohandas Gandhi</b>



