
I got back from my visit to my well seasoned mom yesterday afternoon I have a couple of pictures to share but haven't got that far yet. Maybe this afternoon. Did find on my return that a new computer security problem has come up that affects <u>all operating systems and all web browsers</u>. <a title="Poison applet peril affects IE, Opera and Firefox" href="" target="_blank">Poison applet peril affects IE, Opera and Firefox</a>. This is a Java vunerability that is easy to fix. You just need to download the newest version of Java and install it. <a href="" target="_blank">Here</a> is where the download page is. Wht you're looking for when you get there is the link to the "JRE", or Java Runtime Environment, right smack in the middle of the page.<br />n<br />nI try to keep up on these things and let people know the problems. Maybe I am the lone voice in the wilderness when it comes to these problems but I am letting people know. If they wish to take action about it that's there decision to make.<br />n<br />n<b>The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience. Mohandas Gandhi</b>



