The hatred and loathing I am seeing out there in weblogs is appalling. I read weblog after weblog that is tells me the American public are idiots for the way they voted and use some of the vilest language describing the President. A lot of them say they are justified in doing this by the way right leaning weblogs are sounding about the Bush victory. I personally haven't read any of these right ones that are so horrible but maybe there out there, I don't know.<br />n<br />nI really wish I had the words to explain my feelings today but I don't. Did my candidate for President, Governor, or House of Representative win? NO. Do I run around calling everybody who didn't vote the way I did an idiot and bad mouth them? NO. I did make known my opinion of our new governor but I accept the will of the people without rancor. I don't call them idiots. As an intelligent individual I can see why the vote went that way even if I don't like it. That's what our political process is all about. I had planned on keeping an eye on our new governor and continuing to talk about what he was doing and letting people know what I saw the problem was but now I am not so sure.<br />n<br />nWith all the hatred out there in weblogs, I am unsure I am going to continue. I have tried very hard in my life to not have hatred control who and what I am and to be part of a system that spews as much hatred as I have seen yesterday is something I in good faith no longer think I can do. You might say that since I didn't do it, I am not part of the problem. The thing is I, by not denouncing Bush like they do, am getting tarred with the same brush as everybody else. I did not vote for Bush, but I am personally wounded and almost sick to my stomach by what I read out there. It's too much for me to handle, I guess I am too weak. Maybe I will talk to you later. I don't know, I really wish I did know but at this point I can't say.