
In a week school will start for the kids around here and <a href="">this story</a> reminds me of one of the real important things that you don't seem to have any control over, the bus driver. My Darling wife home schools the youngest two, who start today, but the oldest gets to ride the bus every day and luckily she will have a good driver again this year.<br />n<!–more–><br />nThe article talks about the bus drivers learning kids secrets and I wouldn't be suprised if my daughters driver knows some since she always sits and visits with him. She tells me that he is the only intelligent person on the bus to talk to which is fine I don't care, but I wonder what secrets she lets out? Ah, but since I have nothing to hide, there can't be any secrets can there. <br />n<br />nThe one thing I will never understand about the bus on my route is why it is the oldest one around. I have inquired and never been able to get an answer on why the bus with the longest, most desolate route, is always the oldest most decrepit bus in the district. Only once has it actually broke down, but I don't know how many times my daughter comes home and tells me something is broke on the bus. Real minor things like the brakes, transmission, alternator, in the dead of winter, the heat. But a good bus driver can overcome these obstacles which ours does. Thank the Lord for good bus drivers.<br />n<br />n<b>Secrets die when kept or revealed. They live by being faintly and uncertainly repeated. Mason Cooley</b>



