Just an update. The anti-inflammatory prescription the doctor has me to reduce some of the swelling has reduced the pain enough I can actually sit and look at the computer without being in extreme pain. Hopefully the shot today will finish getting rid of the numbness and the rest of the pain. It worked well for me 10 years ago when this same thing happened to me so I am keeping my fingers crossed since if it don't I am looking at surgery. Not an option I want top persue.<br />n<br />nLukily I haven't been real busy around here at the moment and the hired man has been able to handle what needed to be done. Thank the lord for a good hired man, haven't had one of them in a while. I thank everybody for thier concern, as the doctor told me, "Hurting you back like this is just an occupational hazard for a rancher."<br />n<br />n<b>Pain is real when you get other people to believe in it. If no one believes in it but you, your pain is madness or hysteria. Naomi Wolf</b>