
<a href="">This</a> appears to me to be very bad for the Kerry campaign. When the people you fought with in war get together and make a commercial (the link is in the story, it's really devastating) saying you are unfit to be Commander in Chief this is going to affect some people. I don't know if there is some underlying motivation by these people to do this or if they are just truly concerned about Kerry's fitness. The stress of combat brings out the true nature of a person and if this is who Kerry is woe be us if he is elected. The only problem is the only alternative is just as bad so what's a person to do? I wish I had the answer.<br />n<br />n<b>The less their ability, the more their conceit. Ahad HaAm</b><br />n<br />nP.S. There are links for the commercial at the top and bottom of the story. It is approximatly 8MB so takes a little bit to load. It is a powerful commercial, watch it.



