I really think someone needs to tell <a href="http://www.brianschweitzer.com/images/road_pics/pic8.jpg">this man</a> to think before he <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.com//index.php?tl=1&display=rednews/2004/07/28/build/state/20-schweitzer-meatlabels.inc">speaks</a>. While I agree with the concept of <a href="http://www.ams.usda.gov/cool/index.htm">Country of Origin Labeling</a> (<acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym>) for meat and produce I don't see how one state can implement it. Like it or not this is a federal issue.<br />n<br />n<i>"This really is a federal issue, I agree</i><br />n<br />nSo fine, we pass a law in the highly populous, large consumer market of Montana that all meat and produce has to be labeled for Country of Origin. So if it doesn't have a label the grocer can't sell it? So somehow the consumers of Montana not being able to buy meat and produce is going to help the citizens of this state? I don't see how. The big meat packing industry is going to cave on this issue because Montana doesn't allow meat to be sold. Instead of doing something this silly a true leader of the state, which even if elected I don't know that Schweitzer would be, needs to approach the Federal officials and work at getting the law that enacted this whole <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym> back on track for implementation instead of its present status of being <a href="http://www.ams.usda.gov/cool/status.htm">delayed until 2006</a>.<br />n<br />nI know a lot of you people out there like the man but I find the things he proposes so infuriating that I can't help but say my peace on them. Saying things that people want to hear and will get you votes is not leadership, it's no different than selling your soul to the devil and the Democrat's candidate for Governor of Montana needs to realize this fact and talk sense, not politics or woe help us all.<br />n<br />n<b>I have come to the conclusion that politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. Charles De Gaulle </b>