Back to Coal Bed Methane (CBM) production. Besides another <a href="">group</a> opposing drilling in the Bozeman Pass are, there is not a lot of news. A story caught my eye that I thought I would share, that in a roundabout way is connected to CBM. As you might know I am not real sure about CBM development. It seems to me that <a href="">dewatering</a> the aquifer is not a real good idea to me. Now there is an interesting <a href="">story out of Arizona</a> that to me bolsters my dewatering argument. Large fissures are developing in the ground due to "decades of groundwater pumping." Now I am not saying the same thing will happen here because I have no idea, but it does show that there can be consequences to pumping large volumes of water out of the ground. The more I find the less I like this CBM buisness. I will keep my eye on it.<br />n<br />n<b>The consequences of our actions grab us by the scruff of our necks, quite indifferent to our claim that we have â
Methane Production