Many times election observers get put into third world countries to monitor the election process and ensure its fairness. Well you can add a new country that has members of it's own government asking for election observers. Who might that country be? <a href="">The USA</a>. Yes you have it right, some Congressmen have made the request of the UN to place election observers in the US during our upcoming elections. Whatever a person might think about the election debacle of 2000 I have to agree with Tom Kilgannon' quote,<br />n<br />n<i>"Your appeal to the secretary general is alarming and embarrassing," he said. "As a Member of Congress sworn to uphold the Constitution and represent the people of the United States, it is disturbing, to say the least, that you would entrust the most sacred act of American democracy – our presidential election – to an international institution, which is unaccountable to the American people and mired by scandal and corruption."</i><br />n<br />nWhile the US government has it's problems, POTUS and 535 members of Congress come to my mind, the UN is an extremely corrupt orginazation who would love nothing more than to embarrass the US. <br />n<br />nThis strategy by these Congressmen is not in keeping with the traditions that our country were founded upon. Freedom to direct our own affairs with no outside influence. These people need to have thier heads screwed on straight and do thier jobs as Congressmen, not outsource thier jobs to somebody else.<br />n<br />n<b>Freedom consists not in refusing to recognize anything above us, but in respecting something which is above us; for by respecting it, we raise ourselves to it, and, by our very acknowledgment, prove that we bear within ourselves what is higher, and are worthy to be on a level with it Johann Wolfgang von Goethe</b>