I found <a href="http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0430/p03s01-usec.html">this article</a> very interesting. Complaining about the price of food going up. I will admit the price of some commodities have gone up, particularly beef and other meats, but what is the problem with that. Our prices to produce the product has been going up for years and the price we receive has not kept up. You know we don't do this to lose money and the way things are today we sure aren't in it to get rich either. We just want to make a comfortable living like everyone else. Are we supposed to keep losing money and taking out bigger loans until we go bankrupt just to feed the US and the world? With the continuing drought, pests and disease problems running around, don't we have enough against us with out people whining that their food is costing a little more. I just wish that the original producer of the product would see a little more of the extra it is costing people instead of the middle-men eating it all up. That's the way it goes in the agricultural business, the producer is on the short end of the stick, and it's not very fair if you ask me, but like I always tell my kids. Life ain't always fair. <br />n <br />n<b>Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not. Oscar Wilde</b>