The Federal Government has rolled out its new <a href=";jsessionid=B5Y5JAGRVPQFICRBAEOCFFA?type=domesticNews&storyID=4232807">Cyberattack Warning System (CAWS).</a> Here is again something I just don't understand. Why does the Government need to stick its nose in this? Because it is the great Nannystate I guess. <a href="">Here</a> and <a href="">here</a> I found E-mail alerts that already provide this information. Since there is already this product avalible on the market, for free I may add, why does the Government feel it needs to spend our tax money on this?<br />n<br />nI do enjoy Sen. Charles Schumer quote at the end of the article. He is probable right.<br />n<br />n<b>The men and women of this country who toil are the ones who bear the cost of the Government. Every dollar that we carelessly waste means that their life will be so much the more meager. Calvin Coolidge</b>