I am probably going to get tarred and feathered over this one (especially from My Darling Wife) but I just couldn't resist. <a href="http://www.yale.edu/opa/newsr/04-01-21-01.all.html">estrogen makes women goofy.</a> Now I admit, they didn't actually say goofy, that is just my interpretation of the announcment. I think this is why us men have always had such a hard time understanding our "better half." <br />n<br />nIn all seriousness though, this is fairly signifigant since as the article states "This finding may explain why stress-related mental illnesses occur at least twice as often in women as in men." What further reaserch might come from this I don't rightly know but this will at least give women an excuse for thier eccentricities. My hormones made me do it.<br />n<br />n<b>Humor is the affectionate communication of insight.<br />nLeo Rosten </b>
Understanding Women