Well the race for the Republican nominee for Governor is heating up with a <a href="http://www.montanaforum.com/rednews/2004/01/18/build/democracy/davison-ads.php?nnn%20=%201">new radio ad campaign.</a> It sounds like the meat of the campaign is going to be about Pat Davison signing a pledge to block any attempt to raise taxes if elected governor whereas his main candidate, Bob Brown, refuses to. Now I have no particular opinion of either of these candidates but I do find this whole signing the pledge, not signing the pledge debate interesting.<br />n<!–more–><br />nThe way it stands now Montanans are taxed as much as they can stand and I oppose any tax increase. I feel the way to increase taxes is to grow the economy which will then result in larger tax revenues. Does that mean I support signing this pledge from the Americans for Tax Reform organization? I would have to say I donâ
Taxpayer Pledge